First and foremost, Welcome to ADR Languages. I hope you as an Artist or as a Casting Director and Group Coordinator find this site as convenient and helpful as it was always intended to be.
The idea of ADR Languages was conceived many years ago and although the website is new, the Facebook Group was formed back in October of 2011. We created the Facebook Group so that Bilingual VO Artists and ADR/VO Casting can cross paths as easy as a click of a button. We felt that with new Technology and Social Media there was no reason why this shouldn’t be available.
If you are in the ADR and VO world whether you be an Artist or Casting Director, you know it can be frustrating and time consuming to either find work as a Bilingual Artist or for Casting, to connect a Bilingual Artist to that specific Language and project needed. How many times have we all been asked on the ADR stage if we knew anyone who can speak Chinese or Arabic or Russian? But from a specific Region and with a specific Dialect and who has no accent and oh yea, it would be great if they had ADR experience? It happens all the time.
The problem is although we all know someone or have worked with someone in the past who fits that description, where is their contact info? So we try and help and go home and search our iPhone contacts or emails or Facebook messages or make a call to someone who knows someone who might know that one person you were thinking about. The reason we do this is to connect that person with a job because we all know jobs are far few in between and not to mention it’s a good feeling to help someone get a job. And hey, why not help out a Casting Director or Loop Group Coordinator who just hired you on a show?
Hence ADR Languages Facebook Group and Page were created and boy did it take off. Casting was able to post what they were looking for and if someone knew someone who fit that criterion they would refer them by responding directly to Casting. That simple. Casting and VO Artists really seemed to love the idea. So we figured we definitely had something here. Why not create a platform where Artists can create their own profile and upload mp3 samples of their languages and voice? Casting can post info on what they are looking for or post an audition online and Artists can submit themselves and make a direct connection to Casting with no middleman. The results? Lots of Casting time will be saved and lots of ADR/VO jobs will be created. Nothing wrong with that!
This website has been in the works for quite sometime because we wanted to make sure it was convenient and easy to use. was created for anyone who can speak a Foreign Language and has ADR or Voice Over experience or who aspire to use his or her Foreign Language Talent and acting/VO skills in the Voice Over Industry, whether it be for ADR, Voice Over, Technical Advising, Translating, Cultural Advising, etc. We especially invite credentialed Television and Film Industry professionals who are in search of any foreign language voice artists for their projects to be a part of this group.
This Website is a non-commission based site. The idea of bringing any Foreign Language Artist in contact with Casting was never created for the purpose of making money. However there was a huge cost out of pocket to create this site and make all this happen and costs will continue to incur. So we will need the support to pay a small monthly, yearly or lifetime membership fee
We want this website to succeed so we have covered all costs for now. Also we are considering making this website part of a non profit and donate any extra proceeds to Charities that need it.
Our Ambition for this website is simple. To be the hottest new website catered to Foreign Language Artists and used by the top industry professionals who are seeking Authentic Foreign Language Artists for Television & Film including Voice Over, Looping/Group ADR, Technical Advising, Cultural Advising, Consulting, Translation, Interpreting and more.
I’m Sure there will be lots of suggestions on how to make even better, which we count on to make ADR an even stronger site and community! Please feel free to make any suggestions you would like, we invite all criticisms and will implement things on a continual basis, in order to help our members succeed!
Thank you… Merci, Danke schoen, Shookrun, Toda, Grazie, Manana, Muito Obrigado, Tenkyu, Dhan-Ya-Vaad, Multumesc, Arigato, Do Jeh, Dank U Wel, Hieh Shieh, Gracias, Nuhun, Hvala, …
Joey Naber – President/Founder